Allendale Charter Township
Step 1 of 12
*Note that multi-tenant spaces are required to install two separate sewer lines in the building. One line will be for sanitary sewage and the other for process waters. The process line will be brought outside each tenant space. Each tenant space is required to submit an individual IPP application.
A facility with processes inclusive in these business areas may be covered by Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) categorical pretreatment standards. These facilities are termed “categorical users”.
**All non-domestic users shall have a sampling manhole outside that provides access to the discharge from their facility.***All Users with a discharge other than domestic sanitary waste (process waste water) shall have a sampling manhole outside that provides access to the waste stream without sanitary waste contribution.If your answer to Section I. Question L. was only “1. Domestic waste,” sign and return this portion of the publication.
The submittal must indicate on which of the following bases you are requesting an exemption from the flow proportioned composite sampling requirement:
This requires the installation of a flow-metering device at the established compliance point. The flow meter must be equipped with an analog output for connecting a 4 – 20mA sampler interface module.