Our residential rental housing program was implemented in 2004 by the Allendale Charter Township Board of Trustees. This program is committed not only to providing safety and security for Rental property owners and their occupants, but also to ensure our Township continues to be a beautiful place to reside with pride. If after navigating our web page you still have unanswered questions, please reach out to us. We are here for you!
Allendale’s Rental Housing Ordinance 2021-4 requires all residential rental properties be registered with the township by March 31st annually. All properties must submit a Rental Registration Application and $10 registration fee per unit. (*see fee examples below)
Rental registration invoices will be emailed (or mailed if no email address is on file) to all rental property owners or their acting agents 30 days prior to this date due. Late registration payments will result in your Certificate of Compliance being revoked, a new inspection for the property will be scheduled, and all applicable inspection fees will apply.
*A single-family home = 1 unit ($10 registration fee)
*A duplex = 2 units ($20 registration fee)
*An owner-occupied duplex = 1 unit ($10 registration fee as only 1 unit is a rental)
*An apartment complex = ($10 due for each apartment)
The township requires annual certification of compliance (COC) for all residential rental properties. This required COC is issued only after the township has received the rental registration application and fees due annually by March 31st, along with a completed comprehensive interior and exterior inspection of the property when required. Rental properties in the township are required to be inspected every 4 years (or after 2 years if your last inspection did not meet the requirements of the tiered inspection criteria identified in the Rental Housing Ordinance 2017-4, Section 4(d).) Guidelines for inspections are taken from the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code. A comprehensive pre-inspection checklist is available for review prior to the inspection.
After receipt of a rental owner or acting agent’s completed rental registration application, a notice of inspection due will be emailed (or mailed if no email provided on the registration application) to the property owner or acting agent, providing a date and time of the scheduled inspection. A representative is required to accompany the fire inspector for the duration of the inspection. If upon completion of the inspection, the fire inspector finds violations, a copy of the violation report will be issued that includes the date and time of the scheduled re-inspection.
Upon completion of the initial inspection and any necessary subsequent inspections, clearance will be given, and an invoice shall be emailed (or mailed if no email given on the application) to the owner or acting agent. Upon receipt of inspection payment, a COC shall be issued, and a copy of this COC may be requested.
Please refer to the fee schedule for a list of all applicable inspection fees.
When I sell my rental property, do I have to notify the township?
Yes. Please contact the rental housing administrator Shelly Kowalczyk at (616) 892-3114 or skowalczyk@allendalemi.gov so she may update the records.
Do smoke detectors have an expiration date?
Yes. Smoke detectors must be replaced 10 years from the date of manufacture marked on the unit. If no date of manufacture can be determined, the alarm needs to be replaced.
Do I need to register my rental property?
Yes. All rental properties within Allendale Township are required to register their rental property annually to hold a Certificate of Compliance. Registration is due every year no later than March 31st and an invoice will be emailed (or mailed if no email on file) to the address indicated on the registration application.
How much are the registration fees?
There is a registration fee of $10 per unit.
How are units measured for rental properties?
A single-family home is considered 1 Unit. A duplex is considered 2 units unless it is an owner-occupied unit in which case you only pay for 1 unit. A property with multiple separate apartments such as a quad-plex will have 4 units.
If I recently purchased a rental property, does it require an inspection?
Rental properties in the township are required to be inspected every 2-4 years. If you are not sure when your property is due for the next inspection, please contact the rental housing department.
Can I pay my registration or inspections invoices online?
Yes. Click on this link to access our new digital payments portal and follow the prompts. https://allendaletownshipfiremi.tylerportico.com/payments/billsearch/search-form/b3d56986-9d76-4b15-a4db-842209e11839
What happens if I or my designated representative fails to show at my scheduled inspection?
If an inspection is scheduled and the Owner or Representative fails to appear or contact the Rental Housing Office at least 24 hours or more in advance to reschedule, a fee of $40 shall be assessed against the Owner.
How much will my inspections cost?
See the most recent updates to the fee schedule.
How many occupants are we allowed in our rental?
Refer to the township zoning ordinance Allendale Zoning Ordinance Article 3 Section 3.15 of Allendale Zoning Ordinance